Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll immediately receive an order confirmation email with a summary of the products ordered, as well as tax, shipping, and any coupons or discounts.
Once your order ships, you’ll receive an email with tracking information. For additional security, we may contact you to confirm your shipping address or schedule a delivery. For products with lead times of more than two weeks, please allow up to one week for an update on your order’s shipping status. Each manufacturer has unique shipping times for every product. You can review product-specific lead times on each product page.
If your order contains multiple quantities of similar products (like cleaning items, grill accessories, or protective covers), the tracking number may apply to your entire order. If ordering more than one product from the same or different manufacturer, you may receive each item at different times. For orders of multiple products, your confirmation email will note which product has been shipped. (For instance, if you’re ordering an umbrella protective cover and replacement umbrella canopy, you may receive the umbrella protective cover within the week and the umbrella canopy a few weeks later.)
Please review our return policy for more information on returns. You can also call or email us for additional information.